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December Pet Spotlight

We have had many pets come through our office in need of critical care. One of our most heart touching cases is one involving a tiny 2oz, Chinese Crested Powderpuff and Pomapoo mix puppy named Blessin’. Blessin’ is our December Pet Spotlight.
When Blessin’ was born her dog mom accidently chewed her hind foot off and did not take to her. This happens sometimes with animals. In order to keep her safe, Ezer Way decided it would be best to separate them and mother Blessin’ herself.
Blessin’ came into the clinic, injured, hungry, and in need of critical care. The staff helped show her human mom how to tube feed Blessin’, how to care for the injuries, and gave advice on how to care for a special needs pup in it’s infancy. She was later treated for an infection and has made a full recovery!
Blessin’ is the light and life of her family. She is spunky and sassy and having only 3 feet has not slowed her down! She has an extraordinary lifestyle of living in a covered wagon that travels on foot with a nomadic farm. She was in North Carolina for the Thanksgiving season and has many years of adventures ahead of her.
Her mom states, “I appreciate y’all showing me how to do the tube feeding . I had never done it before and wouldn’t have tried if you hadn’t hands-on showed me how to feed her. It is a vital skill I will probably use forever because I raise farm animals.”
Thank you for trusting us with Blessin’ and we wish you safe travels and fond memories.

November Pet Spotlight

November is the month we traditionally set aside to show gratitude for life’s blessings. No one would argue that one of our biggest and best blessing is our pet.

Our November Facebook contest asked viewers to share a selfie with the pet they are grateful for and the response was incredible.

Our favorite was a selfie of Emberlyn Watts and her 15month old black Labrador puppy, Onyx.

A family friend introduced Onyx to Matt and Jenny Watts and it was love at first sight. But the real love story is the one between Onyx and the Watts children.

If it’s warm outside, Onyx and the kids spend their time playing in the yard. Mom Jenny has a difficult time deciding which child smells more like a puppy after their time in the sun.  Once school started and the weather became cooler, Onyx likes to be inside snuggled up on the couch waiting for the kids to get home from school to play.

He loves to go outside so when he hears “Outside” he is instantly ready to go and have fun. Another one of his favorite words is “Bone.” It is cuteness overload when he looks for his favorite treat.

He loves to run in circles chasing his tail. This silly pastime gets the best laughs from the family and helps tire Onyx out for bedtime.

Onyx doesn’t have a favorite human. He loves them all equally, unless you have a snack then you are the favorite for the moment. He has learned that his cute face doesn’t always get him out of trouble if he chews one of his human’s toys. He can’t help it though because it smells like his favorite people!

One of the best memories the Watts family has of Onyx is his first winter with them. He loved playing in the snow, knocking kids into to snow piles, riding on sleds, and trying to catch the snowballs from the snowball fights.

Congratulations on having a loving and caring family, Onyx. We are glad you are a part of the Mitchell Veterinary Clinic clientele.


October Pet Spotlight

Introducing ACE- a year old, green eyed, pit. His momma is Jaeden Michelle.

ACE is a beautiful boy. He won our October monthly give away. Part of his prize is being our October Pet Of The Month. His Halloween costume of a Puppy Pumpkin won with the most likes. We interviewed this sweet boy and found him to be just as adorable out of costume as he is dressed up for Trick or Treating!

How did you meet your mom?

I met my mom when she visited a friend. It was love at first sight and I just knew we were destined to be together. Her boyfriend made sure she had a happy holiday and had me waiting for her on Christmas morning.


What is your favorite treat?

My favorite treat is milk bones. I looooove Milk Bones. Milk Bones are crunchy and yummy and make my mouth watery!

How do you spend your days?

I spend my days waiting for mom to get off of work. That takes forever. But when she gets home we love going on a walk or a car ride. My favorite thing is snuggling my mom when it’s bed time.

What are your favorite words to hear?

My favorite words are treat (MILK BOOONES!!), outside (because…outside), and I Love You. I love you are words you can smell and feel. They make me happy.

What makes your mom laugh?

My mom laughs when I get super hyper. I get the zoomies and when I try to do summersaults her laugh becomes really loud! She giggles and giggles when I try to smile with my teeth.

What is some advice you have for other pets that have humans?

My advice for others with humans would be to always express your personality to your human. They already love you but when they really know you they become loyal and that’s what makes you best friends.

What is your favorite memory with your mom?

One day on a car ride, I stepped on the door lock. Mom kept patting the window, calling my name. She laughed and cried a little and I think she got really worried too. Eventually she had to crawl into the car through the trunk to get me out. We were both just excited to see each other all we could do was hug and love on each other. I gave my mom lots of kisses and wagged my tail all over the place.

ACE is a fun guy and is  greatly loved. We look forward to seeing him again on his next check-up.


September Pet Spotlight

We love our clients at Mitchell Veterinary Clinic, and we wanted to introduce you to our client Baxter! His mom and dad, Melissa Duane Ruscha won our September Facebook competition and as part of that competition their fur baby gets his own spotlight!
Read on to learn more about Baxter, a 2 1/2 year old labradoodle!

How did you meet your family?
I met my family through Facebook. My mom saw me and immediately fell in love.

If your parents had to describe you in three words what would they be?
Large, Rowdy, and Happy! I’m always happy!!

Do you like ketchup on your hot dog?
I eat everything and ketchup only makes it better.

What is your favorite hobby?Sleeping or playing catch. I can’t decide…if I could do both at the same time I would.

What are your favorite foods?

Yes. All the food!

What is your idea of a perfect day?
I love laying in the sunshine. I have my favorite spot in the dirt to nap and if I am not doing that I am begging snacks and extra food.

What is your favorite word?
TREAT! (of course)”

The entire staff of Mitchell Veterinary Clinic thinks Baxter is a very good boy!